Our Mission
Our mission at Greatest Potential Chiropractic is to help people in our community to understand that there is an alternative to drugs, and surgery when it comes to their health. We strive to help individuals and families achieve health and to be able to live their lives at their greatest potential through principled neurologically-based chiropractic care. Together we want to build a healthier community for generations to come.
Common Symptoms we Treat
Dr. Marcus has Certified Advanced Proficiency in the Torque Release Technique, which has been proven through research to be one of the most specific, scientific chiropractic techniques in the world. Leland chiropractors can help you and your family get your lifestyle back.
You’ll know the moment you arrive that this is the place. We are here to exceed your expectations.
The History of Chiropractic Care
The word “Chiropractic” is derived from the Greek words “cheir” (hand) and “praktos” (done) combined to mean “done by hand.” It was chosen by the developer of chiropractic care, Daniel David Palmer. In 1895, D.D. Palmer performed a chiropractic adjustment on a partially deaf janitor, Harvey Lillard, who later reported that his hearing had improved due to the change.
D.D. Palmer opened the first chiropractic school two years later, and in the century since, chiropractic professionals have used spinal adjustments to help people prevent and cope with back pain, carpal tunnel, muscle strain, headaches and migraines, and a variety of other physical ailments. Millions of people benefit from the work of Dr. Palmer today.